Increasing Broadband Use – Greater Opportunities for VoIP

Orange_phoneThere were 11.6 million active internet subscribers in Australia as at December 2011, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, with 77% of those being household subscribers and 23% business / government. 92% of all household subscribers chose to connect to the internet through a broadband connection, reflecting the move away from dial-up connectivity in recognition of the greater efficiency of broadband.

Since November 2007, the Australian communications marketplace has witnessed the gradual introduction of Naked DSL. Naked DSL offers consumers the opportunity to retain their broadband connectivity without being obliged to pay for a landline connection. (more…)

Benefits for home users

Cost is the driving factor for residential take-up of VoIP services in Australia, with pricing structures for VoIP products ranging from all-inclusive monthly subscriptions to pay-as-you-go plans with flat rate connection flagfalls for national and local calls and significantly reduced timed usage for international calls. Despite this variability in pricing plans, consumers have the opportunity to derive significant savings when VoIP service costs are compared to the call costs charged by fixed line service providers. Further information about VoIP pricing is available from our VoIP Plan Comparison Page… (more…)

Business VoIP

According to Sensis, 20% of all small to medium enterprises in Australia have embraced VoIP as a viable business communications strategy.[1] Whilst the small business sector is only just beginning to appreciate the benefits of VoIP technology, medium sized enterprises have long recognised that VoIP services offer not only a substantial cost benefit, but also greater flexibility for workplace efficiencies and delivery of service. This is anticipated to rise significantly in the short term with the roll-out of the National Broadband Network, with increasing internet capability nationwide (especially in regional areas) and as more technologically advanced mobile handsets, with the capacity to engage with VoIP connectivity, become more readily available. (more…)